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I Painted My Shoes

I painted my shoes.  My new Nike shoes with pink wings "swooshes".  I used paint by Angelus which is made for painting leather.  This was my very first project.  I posted a video of the process here. I will post an updated video and blog about how they are holding up, my thoughts, and what I would do differently next time. Anyway, I had a lot of fun and especially making something unique and original that I am wearing.  It's a great way to personalize my favorite brands.  I will be posting more fun videos of leather items I am painting soon.

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What's Inside an Old Barn?

Yesterday I posted about some abandon and unused buildings on some ranch property we purchased.  The insides are full of barren and deteriorating walls. The ceiling joists are sagging.  But this was built as best as could with what there was at the time many decades ago. The dogs are checking things out. Should I make this my art studio? :) I love old buildings and things so much.  

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Old Buildings on New Ranch Property

Our family purchased an adjacent ranch recently that has many old and unused buildings on it.  Here is one that used to hold grain. I always love red barns.  They look especially wonderful in the winter as they stand out against all the cool and barren landscape. Here are some cool old dividers.  I'm not sure what are in them.  But we are storing four wheelers in this building. Here is another barn that had a grain mill at one time but we gave it to some Amish friends (the millstone that is).  It has to be hooked up to a tractor and belt to use, so they are prepared to use it. Another view of one of the barns...

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