I buy flowers for the house every week. This week there was a pink bouquet featuring a protea flower.
Protea, roses, lilies, and another pink flower plus some bending branches.
I have a lot of morning glory and naturtium vines in my vegetable garden right now.
I feel amazed each October at how crazy these vines grow from small direct-planted seeds in my Illinois garden. I cannot get them to grow at all on my ranch in Idaho. It's too high of an elevation I believe.
Anyway, I plan to paint a picture of the cupcakes next to the nasturtiums for you soon. Will post pics as soon as possible!
While there were many more wildflowers in Door County, I only took photos at Cave Point State Park.
Actually, this butterfly picture is from Peninsula State Park. The rest are from Cave Point though.
While not exactly flowers, the leaves were just flirting with changing colors. The fall here is just a fairytale land of colors.
Pure white snowberries.
And one of my favorites, Queen Anne's Lace.