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White Iris and Spray Roses
Have you ever seen white iris before? I have seen purple iris all my life. But when I saw these white iris, I just had to have them. They remind me of paper whites and other winter white florals. As much as I love color this time of year, there is something very clean and refreshing about white flowers.
I also found these pale pink spray roses for $5! What a bargain from Marianos in Westchester. Okay. I already painted them! See below. Kind of a funky abstract playful painting.
Hope you enjoy my new painting.
Yellow Lilies
I purchased some beautiful yellow lilies the other day and am so excited that they are now in full bloom.
Because now they are ready to paint!
I plan to paint both in watercolor and oil paint. I can't wait to see how the paintings turn out. I'll keep you posted.