Pretty much a daily activity is packing and shipping packages. I do a lot of shipping through the US Post Office but also ship via Fedex and DHL Global Express. DHL picks up packages but I usually drop off the USPS and Fedex packages.
DO you love my doggy bag? I love these reusable shopping bags for carrying packages. They are nice and roomy and very durable.
See ya later! Time to bundle up. Getting a bit chilly here in Chicago. Will be putting the winter tights on soon.
Right before entering Key West, there is a botanical garden. It's very small but worth a visit.
I really enjoyed the little signs and information, mostly handwritten.
If you are lucky, you will find some wildlife.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea. But there is writing on these succulent leaves.
A highlight of the visit was the collection of Cuban "chug" boats that made it ashore on Florida Keys.
Today was the last day of our summer Farmer's Market with farmers from Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan. Also, French nuns residing in Chicago who sell their pastries and breads. I really can't think of much better than local grown foods, and seeing foods in their more natural states, like these brussel sprouts. My mother said when she was young, grocers always sold brussels sprouts this way and bananas on the stalk, just like I saw them selling bananas in Costa Rica recently. Anyway, I really like getting out and talking to the producers and getting fresh high quality foods. They often inspired some of my paintings. You may have seen some of my farmer's market finds in a...