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Black Bottom Oatmeal Pie

A couple days ago I experimented with baking in my new oven.  I decided to try making a black-bottom oatmeal pie.  I got the recipe from a Midwest inspired cookbook by Amy Thielen.  The pie was amazing!  I used the best butter and cream and chocolate I could find.  It was scrumptious.  I ended up sharing a couple pieces with some workers from the city who were installing some new floodwater pipes in our front yard yesterday.  The rest was quickly consumed by family members.  

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Flowers in My Studio

I love painting flowers.  This month I am starting a new series called Winter Florals Large and Small.  Since it's cold outside, I am finding joy in small things like cut flowers in the studio.   Peonies, roses, and more mixed with the evergreen boughs and Christmas tree are really providing pleasing scents in the home and studio!

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