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She's Getting Used to Me

This robin is getting used to my camera.  She was inching closer and closer until my son slammed the door shut on his way out.  I  She was chirping to, calling out to her fledgling baby. What a pretty eye you have!  And a pretty red breast. Don't worry.  I won't hurt you.  Bye!  She flew off when my son shut the door loudly.  

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Getting Ready for Spring

WIth the daylight savings change and longer days, I've been excited to get ready for spring.  Here are some pussy willow branches I got at the grocers that have held up well in my room for a month. The buds have gone from tight and fuzzy to fat with yellow blossoms. Sometimes they are so heavy they fall off. Soon we will have these outside too.   I made some homemade graham crackers also.  They are delicious plain or with dark chocolate or lemon curd on top.  They are not so sweet but have small amounts of sugar and honey and are low fat.  They have whole grain flour also.  I used a spelt flour.  I got the recipe from...

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At the Park

I took a walk today and was at the park.  The park put in a new path that is pavers and absorbs water runoff better than the pavement it replaces.  It's not only more conservation minded, but really helps as the city of Elmhurst sits in a flood plain.   Wearing my painted floral shoes.

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Crazy Spring Weather

It was one of those days where the weather couldn't make up its mind.  Started out warm and sunny.  Then big fluffy flakes started falling softly.  Before long, it was falling so fast and strong that visibility became difficult, the ground was covered in snow.  Then just as fast, the came out and melted the whole lot.  

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